Going Social

Being accessible through social media network channels is as important as having a website and a phone number.  If you are a business owners that do not have the interest, time, staff or knowledge to manage your social media marketing and networking, but know you need to due to the changing marketing environment.  This package is your next step.

Going  Social Package – Stage 3  – $250.00

Evaluation – We’ll evaluate your current web presence—from your website, blog and traffic solutions, to your use of social media, video marketing and email opt in choices—or lack thereof. We’ll have a one-on-one call where we walk you through the results and tell you what’s HOT and what’s NOT and give you honest feedback & recommendations! The purpose of this evaluation  is to show you how to consolidate your efforts and maximize your results!

We can help your business get started marketing online using 3 Social Media sites such as:





Blogs and more

Going Social Package – Monthly Marketing Maintenance $250.00

Social Profile Management – Especially created for busy business owners, we’ll manage your social profiles & online presence to make sure you get the maximum value from social media without having to spend your time online with the social sites selected in stage 3.

What are others saying about you online when you’re not looking? We can protect your online image by managing Twitter and Google alerts relevant to you & your business.

*No Contract.  This is a customized month to month social media program.


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